Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's a Small World and I Love It!

 Photo by Kathy Kohl, KK Photography, LLC

Sue Harenda has positively impacted the lives of parents and children for over 17 years. She is a lead infant teacher at the Brookfield Children’s Edu-Care. I sat down and spoke with her and she was kind enough to share her story.

Susie, you began working for Mary Linsmeier Schools October 15, 1993.  What prompted you to apply to be an infant/toddler teacher?

My Niece, Jenny was an infant teacher in Brookfield with Children’s Edu-Care. She told me about her job all the time and made it sound really interesting. I had previously worked as a secretary for a mortgage company and quit to stay home and raise my son Mark who is now 31 years old.  I guess I really loved being a Mom and thought this position would be fun!

What was your educational training upon accepting the position and what educational training have you taken over the years to become the exceptional teacher you are today?

When I started, I had my high school diploma.  I had gone to work right away out of high school and then worked to put my husband, Bob, through college at MSOE.

When our center went through NAEYC (National Association Education Young Children) Accreditation, I obtained my CDA (Child Development Associates) which was focused mainly on infants.  These courses really helped me flourish as an infant teacher although as I really loved my job, a lot of it came naturally.   

At what point in your time with Mary Linsmeier Schools did you decide that this was your “calling” and your chosen profession?

I knew from the day I was hired that I really enjoyed what I do for a living. Time went quickly!  I don’t think that there was a determining factor that made me say, “This is the job for me!”  It was just a good fit and I love getting up and coming to work in the morning. 

You very rarely, if ever, miss a day of work.  What is and has been your motivation over the last 17 years to be at work every day?

I love my job!  I look forward to seeing the children and parents every day.  I know that the parents really depend on me being at work so they can get on with their jobs without worrying about their most valued possessions.  I also know that the other staff members rely on me to be at work as well.

Talk a little bit, if you would, about your professional philosophy.

I believe that the infants should be loved and cared for the way that I would want someone to take care of my own child if he was in day care.  I want to make sure that each baby is taken care of according to the parent’s instructions.  Moms and Dads know their children the best.  They relay information about their baby to me so that I can provide care in the same way and on the same schedule that the baby is use to at home.  I in turn believe it is my responsibility to communicate with each parent about their baby’s day so they know if any problems or exciting new advances, like scooting or crawling are on the horizon. 

Susie, all of us in early childhood relish the cute things that the children do and the things that gave us joy or just plain made us belly laugh.  Can you share some of your experiences with us?

I smile all the time.  Babies notice when I rearrange the room.  They get very excited.  It is also funny when they first learn to eat table food.  They make the funniest faces at me!  Babies are so cute when they “share” toys.  One baby will just decide that the “sharing” should happen and the first baby will take the toy from the second baby and gently replace it with the one that he or she had.  The second baby looks at his new toy and then at me with the expression of, “we traded, you know.” It is really cute!  I also can’t help but laugh when a baby giggles.

I have special moments every day so it is hard to think of just one.  I also really get excited when a baby is on the verge of doing one of his or her “firsts”.  When they are rocking on all fours and you know they will be crawling or when they stand up and hang on to things and you know they will be taking their first steps.  It is always as much fun for me to hear the excitement in Mom or Dad’s voice when they come in to my room to tell me the good news about the first time their baby has crawled or taken those first steps.

Susie, you have such pride in the Brookfield Center as a whole, can you share with us your relationship with your co-workers?  What makes the center so special?

All of the staff members I work with are great!  They all will jump in and help a co-worker out whenever needed. Our center is lucky to have such a dedicated and educated team that all pitch in to get the job done each day and make our center a great place for the children.

How important is the support of the parents to what you do every day with the children?

The parents are wonderful and very responsive when we need something!  Raising a family and working is a very stressful time in life, but the parents always make time to come to our events at the center and help us with fund raising efforts.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

It really has been wonderful working with all of the children over the years.  I love it when the preschoolers or grade schoolers come back to visit me.  I had a family come back to visit that now has a daughter in her first year of college and a daughter in High School.  It is wonderful to think that I was a part of their early development.

Thanks to all the parents who have allowed their children to enrich my life!

Interview by:
Theresa Smith
HR Director
Mary Linsmeier Schools


Gail Safranski said...

It sounds as though the children love Sue as much as she loves them. Brookfield CEC is fortunate to have such a caring and devoted infant teacher!

Anonymous said...

As a co-worker, only since July, of Ms. Susie I felt a comfortable bond from day one! Susie is correct in that we all pitch in and help one another when necessary. There is no "what can I do" we just do what we know we can to nurture and provide positive successful environments. I feel very blessed to be working along side of Susie. From my first day,she guided me and answered all my questions with a smile and an warm attitude that made me feel like I was not burdening her or that I "should know". As the Transitional Toddler teacher the children come to Ms. Renee and myself with so much knowledge,rich language and math skills and a strong foundation of social-emotional development. Ms. Susie not only nurtures her infants but she nurtures me too, like putting her hands on her hips with a smile on her face and saying something like "now why are you lifting that by yourself,you're going to hurt your back-let me help you!" Ms.
Anna who is the young toddler teacher and who shares the room with Ms Susie continues building on each childs individual foundations that Ms. Susie began. So, when Ms. Renee and I transition a toddler into our care
we are fortunate to see how great and strong each child's foundation is as all four of us now communicate throughout each day to take them from where they are and move them forward. Ms Susie and Ms. Anna work with us making each transition a smooth one, rich in nurturing for their successes. With Ms. Susie, hugs are not only for children, I get them too! Thank you Ms. Susie ! Ms. Pam

Kathy Kohl said...

I have recently work along side the MLS staff capturing the expression of the children during their learning. The children love Ms. Susie. I look forward to watch the children grow in years to come in Ms. Susie class.

Kathy Kohl
Owner KK Photography,LLC.